We help you navigate your transition forward.
Mediation & Consulting
With three decades of family law experience, I will help you reach a thoughtful and informed resolution, one that enables you to move forward with your transition into or out of your marriage, partnership, or cohabitation.
As a mediator, I create a space where each of you can be heard and articulate what is important and what most concerns you. I offer as an option co-mediation with a mental health professional or Certified Divorce Financial Analyst or both. I also offer space for both attorney-assisted mediation and settlement judging.
As a consulting attorney, I support you in your mediation process with legal advice, coaching and creative problem solving.
As a Collaborative Divorce attorney, I am part of a team that creates a safe space for you both to hear each other and resolve your matter constructively with your priorities guiding the way.
And if you are reaching out for a Premarital, Post-marital or Cohabitation Agreement, I will work collaboratively with your significant other’s counsel to help you both make decisions that are supportive and do not undermine your relationship.
I bring in my extensive experience resolving complex financial and custody issues and encourage outside the box creative solutions, when helpful. I will be both a sounding board and a resource for education and ideas.

At this time, we primarily offer services via Zoom